Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"Gwyneth Paltrow Saved My Life on 9/11" -Lara Lindstrom Clarke

This story truly struck a nerve. You never know how one tiny thing can impact your life in a HUGE way.
On September 11th, 2001 while rushing to her job at the World Trade Center 24-year-old Lara Lindstrom Clarke went to cross the street but quickly stopped because an SUV was coming her way. The driver of the SUV stopped to let Lara cross but hesitant Lara waved to let the SUV go.

The driver of the SUV was none other than Oscar award winning actress Gwyneth Paltrow coming from an early morning yoga class. The two did a kind of "you-go, no-you-go" back and forth thing until Clarke eventually crossed and Paltrow drove on. As a result Lara made it to her train just in time to see it pulling off and had to wait an hour for the next one. When Clarke got off the next train she walked up to the World Trade Center at 8:47am the moment the first plane hit. Had it not been for her chance encounter with Paltrow, Lara would have made her train and been sitting at her desk on the 77th floor of the south tower at 8:47am instead she was outside thanking god... and Gwyneth Paltrow.

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